Archive for February, 2010

Happy Heart’s Day

What is Love?
No words can define it,

it's something so great only love could design it.

Wonder of wonders, beyond man's conception,

and only in love can love find true perfection.
For love means much more than small words can express,

for what man calls love is so very much less

than the beauty and depth

and the true richness of love's gift to mankind.

For love has become a word that's

misused, perverted, distorted, and often abused.
To speak of "light romance" or some affinity

for a passing attraction that is seldom much

more than a mere interlude of inflamed fascination.
A romantic fling of no lasting duration,

but love is enduring and patient and kind.

It judges all things with the heart, not the mind,

and love can transform the most commonplace

into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace.

For love is unselfish, giving more than it takes,

and no matter what happens love never forsakes.
It's faithful and trusting and always believing,

guileless and honest and never deceiving.
Yes, love is beyond what man can define,

for love is immortal and love's gift is divine.

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I Am Blessed
Lord, I can never thank You enough,

For all You've done for me.

You blessed me in so many ways,

And some I've yet to see.

All I possess has come from You.

And You continue to bless me each day.

It seems the closer I get to You,

More blessings come my way.
Some blessings that You give me,

Outwardly are not perceived.

But these are much more valuable,

Than others I have received.
When I am blessed with inner peace,

And joy permeates my soul,

When I can live with a future hope,

I treasure these more than gold.
You never withheld Your blessings,

The times I went astray.

You always continued to bless me,

Though I was in sin and far away.
You had to get my attention,

When I was being so unwise.

The fiery trials You put me through,

Were just blessings in disguise.

Thank You for Your compassion,

And Your willingness to forgive,

Thank you for Your blessings,

That You truly love to give.

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Make realistic goals for yourself,

write them down, pray about them

and try to achieve them! 
Go through your cell phone, 

caller id, calendar, and email

addresses and discard all the 

people and events that mean 

you no good or don't benefit your life!
If you are involved w/ a person,

job, or circumstance that is doing

more harm than good, do yourself

a favor - LET IT GO!
Stop being someone's mistress; 

especially if you are aware 

that you are!!!!
Take care of your kids and 

devote a weekend or two 

when you spend "quality"

time with them. 
Get your debt in order!
Stop spreading senseless rumors 

and try to get your own life in order!
Listen more! Talk Less!
Give without worrying about it!
Say no for once!
Tell people you love them before

your hear about some great tragedy

in the world or lose a close friend! 

Speak clearly and not ignorantly! 

Anyone can be a fool. 
If you are married, stop cheating..

If you're guilty of this, ask

God to forgive you 

and don't do it again! 
Remember the Ten Commandments. 

Stop waiting on tax season 
and save now!

Eat what you need and not 

just because you can!

See how long you can go

without checking your cell 

phone when it's not ringing.

Be more positive and 

stop being a grouch! 


If you don't like my style, kick rocks! 

Start telling your children that

when you're having a "grown folks" 

conversation, they need to go play. 

(Remember back when?) 

Appreciate everyone.. 

WHY do we put each other down

for the most ridiculous things?!?

Men and women! Cry more!

It's therapeutic!

Stop tripping about not being 

where you want to be! 

What have you been doing

to get there?!?

If you aren't in relationship,

it's not the end of the world! 

Self love is more valuable!

If God delivers you from a messy 

relationship, friend or situation, 

why do you keep 


Let it go!


All of us have been forgiven for

some low life things! 

So open your heart! 

Remember - God forgave you!

Men, stop trying to be so hard 

when it comes to relationships..... 

Let that guard down before you 

lose the one that's meant for you! 

Speak up for yourself!

Learn a new hobby! 

Broaden your mind.

If you're single, start going on more dates 

with different types of people... 

Don't just stick to the same

type of woman or man! 

Stop forwarding all the text 

messages you receive; 

everyone doesn't have 

unlimited text messages!!

Stop replying to ALL!

Live like today like is your last day,

love like God taught us, and 

laugh like you've never laughed before!

Lastly, if it's only 5 minutes a day have a 

little talk with Jesus! Let Him know you

want to be better today than you were 

yesterday and watch Him turn

things around for you! 

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Hold On Tightly

Hold On Tightly

Hold on to faith; it is the source of

believing that all things are possible.

It is fiber and strength of a confident soul.
Hold on to hope; it banishes doubt and

enables attitudes to be positive and cheerful.

Hold on to trust; it is at the core of fruitful

relationships that are secure and content.

Hold on to love; it is life's greatest gift of all,

for it shares, cares, and gives meaning to life.

Hold on to family and friends;

they are the most important people in your life,

and they make the world a better place.

They are your roots and the beginnings

that you grew from; they are the vine

that has grown through time to nourish you,

help you on your way,

and always remain close by.
Hold on to all that you are and

all that you have learned,

for these things are what make you unique.
Don't ignore what you feel and what you

believe is right and important;

your heart has a way of speaking

louder than your mind.
Hold on to your dreams;

achieve them diligently and honestly.

Never take the easy way or surrender to deceit.

Remember others on your way and take

time to care for their needs.
Enjoy the beauty around you.

Have the courage to see things

differently and clearly.
Make the world a better place one day at a time,

and don't let go of the important things

that give meaning to your life.

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