Archive for womanhood

8 mantras that we all should repeat daily…


1.In gratitude lies my blessing- In the heart of thankfulness is a host of blessings waiting for you to seize. Stay filled with a heart of gratitude.

2.  My greatest challenges created my resilience– Challenges have a way of making us aware and teaches us things that we need to learn. I found my resilience in my greatest challenge.

3. I release the need to control the outcome– too much time is spent on controlling a situations outcome release the need and affirm that all is as it should be and always works in your favor.

4. I share my happiness with those around me– Happiness should be shared, you never know you may be saving someone’s life.

5. I will watch my words– words are like sweet honey, or venom. Choose your words wisely and let them be supportive, uplifting, and alluring.

6. My body is my vehicle– your body is to be well kept and filled with all things good. Practice the art of self- love and care.

7. I am enough– Just as I am there is so much value in me. I am more than meets the eye.

8. I am filled with love and compassion– Love is the key to heal our world, and compassion is its sister. The more love and compassion I have the more I am creating an impact in my world.

Today begin to create your personal mantras and learn them, breathe them, and recite them. You are creating a new and improved reality that is filled with all that you desire. Humor me and let me not be the only one who had to rewire her brain and do some massive surgery to create the life that I deem dope, prosperous, fulfilling and beautiful.






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WISH LIST… for my birthday ;)

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Of all the things I wish for you, I would give anything if these wishes could always come true. . . .

I want you to be happy.  I want you to fill your heart with feelings of wonder and to be full of courage and hope.  I want you to have the type of friendship that is a treasure–and the kind of love that is beautiful forever.  I wish you contentment:  the sweet, quiet, inner kind that comes around and never goes away.

I want you to have hopes and have them all come true.  I want you to make the most of this moment in time.  I want you to have a real understanding of how unique and rare you really are.  I want to remind you that the sun may disappear for a while, but it never forgets to shine.  I want you to have faith.  May you have feelings that are shared from heart to heart, simple pleasures amidst this complex world, and wonderful goals that are within your grasp.  May the words you listen to say the things you need to hear.  And may a cheerful face lovingly look back at you when you happen to glance in your mirror.

I wish you the insight to see your inner and outer beauty.  I wish you sweet dreams.  I want you to have times when you feel like singing and dancing and laughing out loud.  I want you to be able to make your good times better and your hard times easier to handle.  I want you to have millions of moments when you find satisfaction in the things you do so wonderfully.  And I wish I could find a way to tell you–in untold ways–how important you are to me.

Of all the things I’ll be wishing for, wherever you are and whatever I may do, there will never be a day in my life when I won’t be wishing for the best. . . for you.

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Happy Birthday ❤








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When it’s time to let go

A lot of people regardless of their sign, believe that holding on, infinitely, are signs of love, courage, and strength. But there are times when it takes a lot more strength to realize when it’s time to let go and actually follow through with it. Not every man/woman or thing is meant to be in our lives forever. Once it’s over, Use that down time to reflect and evaluate you and what you need to be happy, think about the relationship as a whole and what you got from it then move on. You can’t make anyone love you or be a part of your life. What is meant to be will always be. But don’t miss out on “THE ONE” because you are too busy dwelling on the maybe’s and what if’s of yesterday.

A great relationship consist of 2 things. Appreciating what you share in common, and respecting each others differences. Never change because it’s what THEY want or think is best for you. Pretending will only make you miserable in the long run. It’s easier to fill an empty space in your life where someone used to be than it is to fill the space of who you used to be.

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Watch for people who tell you what they think you should hear. A persons actions speaks the whole TRUTH. Everybody deserves somebody who helps them look forward to tomorrow. If someone has the opposite effect on you, because they are consistently inconsistent, and their actions never match up with their words, it might be time to let them go. It’s always better to be alone than to be in bad company. Pay attention because people will reveal themselves slowly!

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Being hurt is something you can’t stop from happening, but being miserable is always your choice. The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the “buts” you use today. Things always turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out. Always look at what you have, instead of what you have lost. Because it’s not what the world takes away from you that counts; it’s what you do with what you have left.

Forget how you feel and remember what you deserve. Big challenges prepare ordinary people for extraordinary success. Every struggle arises for a reason – either for experience or as a lesson. A great journey is never easy, and no dose of adversity along the way is ever a waste of time if you learn and grow from it. The best thing you can do in most situations is to follow your intuition. Take risks. Don’t just make the safe and easy choices because you’re afraid of what might happen. If you do, nothing good will ever happen.

Realize that it’s not always about trying to fix something that’s broken either. Sometimes it’s about starting over and creating something brand new. Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly. Sometimes growing stronger means growing apart from old habits, relationships, and circumstances, and finding something different that truly moves you – something that gets you so excited you can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning. That’s what LIVING is all about. Don’t just settle for the default settings in life, when you can customize absolutely everything.

Holding on to what’s no longer there holds too many of us back. Some of us spend the vast majority of our lives recounting the past and letting it steer the course of the present. Don’t waste your time trying to live in another time and place. Let it GO! You must accept the end of something in order to build something new. So close some old doors today. Not because of pride, inability or egotism, but simply because you’ve entered each one of them in the past and realize that they lead to nowhere. Eventually you will overcome the heartache, and forget the reasons you cried, and who caused the pain. You will realize that the secret to happiness and freedom is not about control or revenge, but in letting things unfold naturally, and learning from your experiences over the course of time. So let go of the past, set yourself free, and open your mind to the possibility of a new beginning.


If you feel like you need to let something go, but you simply haven’t been able to do so, know that you’re not alone. Accepting what is, letting go, and moving on are skills that all of us must learn when facing the realities of life, but these are also skills that take time to master. And today we challenge you to put in a little time…

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If I Should Have a Daughter

A beautiful poem to share with you…

If I Should Have a Daughter by Sarah Kay.



“If I should have a daughter… Instead of ‘Mom’, she’s gonna call me ‘Point B’.

Because that way, she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me. And I’m going to paint the solar system on the back of her hands so that she has to learn the entire universe before she can say “Oh, I know that like the back of my hand.”


She’s gonna learn that this life will hit you, hard, in the face, wait for you to get back up so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air. There is hurt, here, that cannot be fixed by band-aids or poetry, so the first time she realizes that Wonder-woman isn’t coming, I’ll make sure she knows she doesn’t have to wear the cape all by herself. Because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers, your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal.


Believe me, I’ve tried. And ‘Baby,’ I’ll tell her ‘don’t keep your nose up in the air like that, I know that trick, you’re just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him. Or else, find the boy who lit the fire in the first place to see if you can change him.’


But I know that she will anyway, so instead I’ll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rain boots nearby, ‘cause there is no heartbreak that chocolate can’t fix. Okay, there’s a few heartbreaks chocolate can’t fix. But that’s what the rain boots are for, because rain will wash away everything if you let it. I want her to see the world through the underside of a glass bottom boat, to look through a magnifying glass at the galaxies that exist on the pin point of a human mind. Because that’s how my mom taught me. That there’ll be days like this, ‘There’ll be days like this my momma said’ when you open your hands to catch and wind up with only blisters and bruises.

When you step out of the phone booth and try to fly and the very people you wanna save are the ones standing on your cape. When your boots will fill with rain and you’ll be up to your knees in disappointment and those are the very days you have all the more reason to say ‘thank you,’ because there is nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it’s sent away.


 You will put the ‘wind’ in win some lose some, you will put the ‘star’ in starting over and over, and no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life. And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting I am pretty damn naive but I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar. It can crumble so easily but don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.


‘Baby,’ I’ll tell her ‘remember your mama is a worrier but your papa is a warrior and you are the girl with small hands and big eyes who never stops asking for more.’ Remember that good things come in threes and so do bad things and always apologize when you’ve done something wrong but don’t you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining. Your voice is small but don’t ever stop singing and when they finally hand you heartbreak, slip hatred and war under your doorstep and hand you hand-outs on street corners of cynicism and defeat, you tell them that they really ought to meet your mother.”1233360_230886613730072_1391782820_n

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Welcoming year of the SNAKE, In 2013…


  1. In 2013 you better not be complaining about men & how sorry men are. You better be evaluating yourself, making changes & better decisions.

  2. In 2013 you better not Talk about some “New year new me” and been doing the same damn thing for the past 6 years!

  3. In 2013 you better not run back to the person who emotionally wrecked you in 2012. Leave it behind.

  4. In 2013 you better not remind me of the mistakes i made in 2012

  5. In 2013 you better not go through the same pain with the same person. If they didn’t make you better, let them go & find someone who does.

  6. In 2013 you better not bully anyone, think you’re better than everyone else, or intentionally hurt someone physically/mentally.

  7. In 2013 you better not be saying ” Dear 2013, please be nice with me “

  8. In 2013 you better not be thinking that Ted Mosby will be anywhere close to telling us who his wife is. (hahaha. How I Met your Mother)

  9. In 2013 you better not be looking for a new Mayan prediction. The world isn’t ending. Get over it.

  10. In 2013 you better not “LIE” but you should try to be better than you are now.

  11. In 2013 you should never take things for granted. Appreciate good health, family & those who surround you with love.

  12. In 2013 never judge anyone because everyone is struggling with their own problems and in a split second they could be gone.

  13. In 2013 don’t go a mile for someone who wouldn’t go an inch for you.

  14. In 2013 I will not get upset every time someone doesn’t like me. It’s a waste of time to worry about it.

  15. In 2013 never depend too much on anyone in this world. At the end of the day, you only have yourself.

  16. In 2013 pursue what drives your curiosity. There’s good in all bad. Be nice to those who ignore you. Appreciate second chances.

  17. In 2013 I will never give second chance cause they don’t change, they just get better at lying.

  18. In 2013 I need to be patient. My time will come. And all the things I’m working towards & praying for will come at the right time

  19. In 2013 follow your dreams and work hard because anything can happen when you put your mind to it.

  20. In 2013  I’m going to get serious with someone and know their real intentions from the beginning .602934_456857117694639_552047860_nlifewithoutfrnship 431 562379t3lxj4ejfi


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I learned this 2012 …


  1. I learned this 2012 that everyday’s a chance for you to correct your wrongs. =) Everyday you can improve some more!

  2. I learned this 2012 that when you think too much about it… you mess up more.

  3. I learned this 2012 that I’m actually a very emotional person & that I just have to accept it…cause suppressing it will never work!

  4. I learned this 2012 to be more PATIENT yet ANTICIPANT for change because patience is a virtue but time is gold!

  5. I learned this 2012 that at the end of the day, I have myself to love better than anybody else.

  6. I learned this 2012 not to attach myself to people too much. People do not always stay 🙂 they come, they go..

  7. I learned this 2012 it’s not too late to fulfill ur dreams. Even when they’re pushed back or you’re hindered, persevere!

  8. I learned this 2012 living solo teaches you a lot more about life and how to deal and make it exciting!

  9. I learned this 2012 that some people will drain your patience out, & all you can do is to hold on to the little patience you have left.

  10. I learned this 2012 that U don’t have to mind what other people’s YOU who knows WHO U really R

  11. I learned this 2012 that everyday’s a chance for you to correct your wrongs. =) Everyday you can improve some more!

  12. I learned this 2012 That never stop learning, because life never stops teaching

  13. I learned this 2012 I’m not getting any younger, might as well enjoy life and grow responsible at the same time.

  14. I learned this 2012 that self preservation should come first, before anything

  15. I learned this 2012 that every action we do have its own consequences, regardless if it’s in a good way or not.

  16. I learned this 2012 don’t stick in one circle of friends Make Two or more circle of friends. It will make you happy 🙂

  17. I learned this 2012 that there is never a right time to say goodbye

  18. I learned this 2012 not everyone deserves your Trust & you should know what to hold and what to let go.

  19. I learned this 2012 that even though you’re single, you still get hurt.

  20. I learned this 2012 not to give too much (time, effort) to sum1 hu doesn’t deserve it! 🙂  choices that were done coz of impulsion’s are bad.562379t3lxj4ejfi l_b4091985e096407d9187a2853cbe8331 431 729370jif0lvtd3e




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Let’s make things simple again.

Over the course of time, we made our lives more and more difficult, and we started losing touch with who we really are and what we really need.

So let’s get back to the basics, shall we?  Let’s make things simple again.  It’s easy.  Here are some ways to do just that:

Life is not complex.  We are complex.  Life is simple,
and the simple thing is the right thing.
– Oscar Wilde

Don’t try to read other people’s minds.  Don’t make other people try to read yours.  Communicate.

Be polite, but don’t try to be friends with everyone around you.  Instead, spend time nurturing your relationships with the people who matter most to you.

Your health is your life, keep up with it.  Get an annual physical check-up.

Live below your means.  Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.  Always sleep on big purchases.  Create a budget and savings plan and stick to both of them.

Get enough sleep every night.  An exhausted mind is rarely productive.

Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don’t have to rush around like a mad man.  That 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, tardiness, and other unnecessary headaches.

Get off your high horse, talk it out, shake hands or hug, and move on.

Don’t waste your time on jealously.  The only person you’re competing against is yourself.

Surround yourself with people who fill your gaps.  Let them do the stuff they’re better at so you can do the stuff you’re better at.

Organize your living space and working space.

Get rid of stuff you don’t use.

Ask someone if you aren’t sure.

Spend a little time now learning a time-saving trick or shortcut that you can use over and over again in the future.

Don’t try to please everyone.  Just do what you know is right.

Don’t drink alcohol or consume recreational drugs when you’re mad or sad.  Take a jog instead.

Be sure to pay your bills on time.

Fill up your gas tank on the way home, not in the morning when you’re in a hurry.

Use technology to automate tasks.

Handle important two-minute tasks immediately.

Relocate closer to your place of employment.

Don’t steal.

Always be honest with yourself and others.

Say “I love you” to your loved ones as often as possible.

Single-task.  Do one thing at a time and give it all you got.

Finish one project before you start another.

Be yourself.


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Become the Person You Love.

Here are 6 ways to become the person you love.

1. Stop judging, and appreciate the beauty within you. – Judging yourself is not the same as being honest with yourself.  When it comes to living as a compassionate, non-judgmental human being, the only challenge greater than learning to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, is learning to walk a lifetime comfortably in your own.  In every smile there is beauty.  In every heart there is love.  In every mind there is wisdom.  In every human being there is a soul, there is life, there is worth, and there is the ability to see all these things in everyone, including one’s self.  


2. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. – Accept yourself!  Insecurity is what’s ugly, not you.  Be you, just the way you are, in the beautiful way only you know how.  The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.  You must love who you are or no one else will either.  And when you are truly comfortable in your own skin, not everyone will like you, but you won’t care about it one bit.

3. Care less about who you are to others. – Don’t lose YOU in your search for acceptance by others.  Be aware that you will always appear to be a little less than some people prefer you to be, but that most people are unaware that you are so much more then what they see.  You are good enough just the way you are.  You have nothing to prove to anyone else.  Care less about who you are to others and more about who you are to yourself.

4. Know your worth. – We often accept the love we think we deserve.  It makes no sense to be second in someone’s life, when you know you’re good enough to be first in someone else’s.

5. Don’t rush intimate relationships. – Love is not about sex, going on fancy dates, or showing off.  It’s about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else can.  You don’t need a perfect one, you just need someone who you can trust – who shows you that you’re the only one.  If you haven’t found true love yet, don’t settle.  There is someone out there who will love you unconditionally, even if it’s not the person you were initially hoping for.

6. Let go of those who aren’t really there. – There are certain people who aren’t meant to fit into your life no matter how much you want them to.  And the only ones truly worthy of your love are the ones who stand with you through the hard times and laugh with you after the hard times pass.  Maybe a happy ending doesn’t include anyone else right now.  Maybe it’s just you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself for something better in the future.  Maybe the happy ending is simple letting go.


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The best day of my life.

The Best Day Of My Life

Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever! There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I’m going to celebrate!

Today, I’m going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make me stronger.

I will go through this day with my head held high, and a happy heart. I will marvel at God’s seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Today, none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice.

Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people. I’ll make someone smile. I’ll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don’t even know.

Today, I’ll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I’ll tell a child how special he is, and I’ll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for her and how much she means to me.

Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don’t have and start being grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me.

I’ll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in God and his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine.

And tonight, before I go to bed, I’ll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens. I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon, and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures.

As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I will thank the Almighty for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child, excited with expectation because know tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life, ever!

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My Love Letter To The World…

My Love Letter To The World…

In the face of complaints, look that person in the eye and imagine what it might have been like to be raised to see only what is wrong.

In the face of selfishness, wonder what it might be like to walk the world with a feeling of lack, of depletion.

In the face of insults, consider where this person first learned that it’s okay to abuse others.

In the face of disconnection, think about what causes it, and ask if your response will widen the river between the two of you.

In the face of laziness, recognize the fear of living big dreams.

In the face of extremism or fundamentalism, see the clinging, as well as the terror-filled silence that would arise for that person if they risked letting go.

In the face of controlling behavior, understand the chaos that must have bred it.

In the face of “always needing to be right,” see how often this person was once made wrong.

In the face of arrogance or bravado, hold gently that still, small piece that says “I’m not enough.”

In the face of drama or attention-seeking, see the person who wishes so much to be seen.

In the face of accusation, imagine what it might be like to live life with suspicion.

In the face of judgement or comparisons, step into the opportunity the world has just provided you for practicing love and acceptance.

In the face of passive-aggressiveness, recognize the child that wasn’t taught a safe way to express their truth.

In the face of anger, see the pain of isolation from others.

Most importantly: In the face of ferocious hatred, believe in the possibility that there exists the potential for equally as big, intense, lovely and fiery ferocious love.

Okay. That is my love letter to the world, for today.

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