Archive for December 31, 2012

I learned this 2012 …


  1. I learned this 2012 that everyday’s a chance for you to correct your wrongs. =) Everyday you can improve some more!

  2. I learned this 2012 that when you think too much about it… you mess up more.

  3. I learned this 2012 that I’m actually a very emotional person & that I just have to accept it…cause suppressing it will never work!

  4. I learned this 2012 to be more PATIENT yet ANTICIPANT for change because patience is a virtue but time is gold!

  5. I learned this 2012 that at the end of the day, I have myself to love better than anybody else.

  6. I learned this 2012 not to attach myself to people too much. People do not always stay 🙂 they come, they go..

  7. I learned this 2012 it’s not too late to fulfill ur dreams. Even when they’re pushed back or you’re hindered, persevere!

  8. I learned this 2012 living solo teaches you a lot more about life and how to deal and make it exciting!

  9. I learned this 2012 that some people will drain your patience out, & all you can do is to hold on to the little patience you have left.

  10. I learned this 2012 that U don’t have to mind what other people’s YOU who knows WHO U really R

  11. I learned this 2012 that everyday’s a chance for you to correct your wrongs. =) Everyday you can improve some more!

  12. I learned this 2012 That never stop learning, because life never stops teaching

  13. I learned this 2012 I’m not getting any younger, might as well enjoy life and grow responsible at the same time.

  14. I learned this 2012 that self preservation should come first, before anything

  15. I learned this 2012 that every action we do have its own consequences, regardless if it’s in a good way or not.

  16. I learned this 2012 don’t stick in one circle of friends Make Two or more circle of friends. It will make you happy 🙂

  17. I learned this 2012 that there is never a right time to say goodbye

  18. I learned this 2012 not everyone deserves your Trust & you should know what to hold and what to let go.

  19. I learned this 2012 that even though you’re single, you still get hurt.

  20. I learned this 2012 not to give too much (time, effort) to sum1 hu doesn’t deserve it! 🙂  choices that were done coz of impulsion’s are bad.562379t3lxj4ejfi l_b4091985e096407d9187a2853cbe8331 431 729370jif0lvtd3e




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