Make realistic goals for yourself,

write them down, pray about them

and try to achieve them! 
Go through your cell phone, 

caller id, calendar, and email

addresses and discard all the 

people and events that mean 

you no good or don't benefit your life!
If you are involved w/ a person,

job, or circumstance that is doing

more harm than good, do yourself

a favor - LET IT GO!
Stop being someone's mistress; 

especially if you are aware 

that you are!!!!
Take care of your kids and 

devote a weekend or two 

when you spend "quality"

time with them. 
Get your debt in order!
Stop spreading senseless rumors 

and try to get your own life in order!
Listen more! Talk Less!
Give without worrying about it!
Say no for once!
Tell people you love them before

your hear about some great tragedy

in the world or lose a close friend! 

Speak clearly and not ignorantly! 

Anyone can be a fool. 
If you are married, stop cheating..

If you're guilty of this, ask

God to forgive you 

and don't do it again! 
Remember the Ten Commandments. 

Stop waiting on tax season 
and save now!

Eat what you need and not 

just because you can!

See how long you can go

without checking your cell 

phone when it's not ringing.

Be more positive and 

stop being a grouch! 


If you don't like my style, kick rocks! 

Start telling your children that

when you're having a "grown folks" 

conversation, they need to go play. 

(Remember back when?) 

Appreciate everyone.. 

WHY do we put each other down

for the most ridiculous things?!?

Men and women! Cry more!

It's therapeutic!

Stop tripping about not being 

where you want to be! 

What have you been doing

to get there?!?

If you aren't in relationship,

it's not the end of the world! 

Self love is more valuable!

If God delivers you from a messy 

relationship, friend or situation, 

why do you keep 


Let it go!


All of us have been forgiven for

some low life things! 

So open your heart! 

Remember - God forgave you!

Men, stop trying to be so hard 

when it comes to relationships..... 

Let that guard down before you 

lose the one that's meant for you! 

Speak up for yourself!

Learn a new hobby! 

Broaden your mind.

If you're single, start going on more dates 

with different types of people... 

Don't just stick to the same

type of woman or man! 

Stop forwarding all the text 

messages you receive; 

everyone doesn't have 

unlimited text messages!!

Stop replying to ALL!

Live like today like is your last day,

love like God taught us, and 

laugh like you've never laughed before!

Lastly, if it's only 5 minutes a day have a 

little talk with Jesus! Let Him know you

want to be better today than you were 

yesterday and watch Him turn

things around for you! 

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    5kidswdisabilities said,

    LOVED the sentiment. Beautiful…
    Lindsey Petersen

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